هشتمین کنفرانس بین المللی توسعه پایدار و عمران شهری

8th International Conference on Sustainable Development and Urban Construction

    04:55 - 2025-02-24  
Guide the Use of Users Control Panel :

Registration :

Who is recommended to register in the system ?
1- People who want to send a paper to the conference .
2- People who want Be present at the conference. (Without the article simply as participants)
3- People who want to participate in the workshop .
4- People who want to participate in the conference as a provider paper partner .
5- People who want to receive a paper and speeches CD .
6- People who want to participate in the newsletter .

How do I participate in the conference ?
At first ,You must fill out the registration form .After filling the form an email will send to you. You should read the email and click the activation link in that to activate your username .Then you can log in with your username and password .
Click here to signup !

Do you need to re-register for submision more than one article ?
No !

I've already registered, Now I forget my password, Did I need to re-register ?
No ، Click here to recovery your password !

Log to the system :

How do I log to the system ?
After you have registered in the system ، an email with a link to the activation will sent to you ، You must click on the link in the email to activate your username And able to log to the system .
Click here to log to the system !

Activation email not sent to me, what should I do ?
Before anything else wait a minute ، because with some delay, the mail may be sent to you . If after 30 minutes did not receive the email ، check Other folders such as the spam or bulk mail . If after reviewing all the cases not solved your problem, please contact the Conference Secretariat .